• Allgemein,  Life


    Be like a rose: blossom and let your petals dance with the wind and earth! There is no place in the world now I would rather be. Last year I missed the blooming due to post-heart surgery recovery. Grateful for every breath, I experience the life of my roses in our organic vineyards with special awareness and gratitude. Unsere Wein und Rosen sind verliebt in einander: Sie blühen zur gleichen Zeit – nämlich jetzt – und tauschen sich Geheimnisse aus, die man später im Wein schmecken kann. Wie bei der Poesie, können wir es nicht verstehen, sondern nur mit dem Herzen spüren. Die Rose erinnert uns an die Vollkommenheit, die…

  • Life

    Longing no more – the time is now

    Trust it and take the first step into a springtime we have all been waiting for. We have grown in our resilience, we are bursting out of the shell after the last six weeks. An unprecedented time, in which the whole world has been at home. Now the month of May is just around the corner with its ecstatic abundance and celebration of life force full of blossoms and perfume. The garden calls me to take off my shoes, walk on the earth and remember why I am here. The apple blossom petals are already falling from the trees, floating around me like manifold blessings. Do not be sad, they…

  • Allgemein

    Let´s repair the future *

    Do you also have the feeling that life will never be the same? Wow, how exciting is this? I am often accused of being too positive. But it is what it is … suffering happens when we hold on. What do plants and tree do in springtime? One year ago I was in the intensive care unit struggling to breathe after major heart surgery. Shattered in my old self, I was given the chance to start anew, one breath at a time. This spring 2020 is an ecstatic experience for me. A crazy journey, even with the limitations of corona, I am so grateful for all the love I can…